You have arrived at the beginning of an epic journey. 

Welcome to your
Freebirth Starter Kit!

We can't wait for you to dive into this exclusive resource full of transformative information hand-picked
by the woman trailblazing the sovereign birth movement, Emilee Saldaya. Let's get started...

First, download your two free PDFs: "Our Freebirth Stories", a collection of 50 inspiring and educational sovereign birth stories told by the mothers themselves, and "Free Birth Society's Top Podcast Episodes of All-Time", your simple guide to the most informative podcast episodes from our entire show. These references are yours to binge and explore as the world of birthing in power.

Read 50 inspiring freebirth stories that have been handpicked just for you.

Download Our Freebirth Stories e-book HERE!

Listen to our exclusive list of best, most inspiring podcast episodes of all-time.

Download our Podcast Episode Guide HERE!

First, download your two free PDFs: "Our Freebirth Stories", a collection of 50 inspiring and educational sovereign birth stories told by the mothers themselves, and "Free Birth Society's Top Podcast Episodes of All-Time", your simple guide to the most informative podcast episodes from our entire show. These references are yours to binge and explore as the world of birthing in power.

Read 50 inspiring freebirth stories that have been handpicked just for you.

Download Our Freebirth Stories e-book HERE!

Listen to our exclusive list of best, most inspiring podcast episodes of all-time.

Download our Podcast Episode Guide HERE!

Your Path to Freebirth

with Emilee Saldaya

Here's our video collection of Emilee Saldaya's most influential and helpful teachings
for women initiating their path to sovereign birth.


you've taken the first step.

Are you ready for more? 
Take our world-renowned self-paced program,
The Complete Guide to Freebirth. 

Over 15,000 women have taken this program from around the world.
Birthing in power, confidence, and ecstasy is at your fingertips.
Claim it with an unparalleled depth of education & resourcing, now.

The Complete Guide to Freebirth