It is time to QUEEN
up your life.

Are you ready to commit to becoming the woman you really want to become? Get on our waitlist for when doors open later in 2025.

Embark on a journey over 12 weeks, using supercharged tools that will inspire you to actually do the things you say you want to do and become the woman, mother, and wife you want to be.

Come do the work with powerhouse Emilee Saldaya, alongside a group of fellow brilliant, hardworking, inspiring women, for 12 weeks, and watch your life transform. 
REIGN is for you if...

You are looking for that final kick in the ass to step it UP in 2025. This is an action-oriented coaching container that is guaranteed to elevate you into your next phase of life. The tools taught and used here are tools that you can never learn too many times. This is designed to be playful, highly interactive, goal focused, team-oriented, and fun. 

Nothing changes if nothing changes. We all need mentors, fresh tools, and accountability. This is a container where you will be expected to actively take responsibility for exactly how your life is right now and look for ways to be the resolution to what is missing from your life!

If you find yourself:

💥 Caring too much what others think of you 

💥 Paralyzed by perfectionism and hypercriticism

💥 Taking things way too personally

💥 Feeling stuck and victimized 

💥 Lost in jealousy, anger, righteousness or indecisiveness 

💥 Saying yes when you really want to say no (hello, overcommitting!) 

💥 Staying guarded, afraid to open up to people 

💥 People pleasing, being fake, or lying to be liked 

💥 Procrastinating, lazy, not finishing projects 



When you join REIGN, you agree to our group container commitments. → 


  1. 30 minutes of exercise.
  2. 30 minutes of outside time.
  3. 30 minutes of time with your kids in full presence (no screens!) 
  4. Drink 100 ounces of real water.
  5. Daily appreciation exercises.


  1. Don’t drink alcohol. 
  2. Don’t smoke weed (or anything else.) 
  3. Don’t scroll social media (delete that app, baby.)
  4. Don’t lie.
  5. Fill in your own vice. What are you ready to stop doing that you know drains you?

These are just suggestions, it’s up to you how far to go with these DO’s and DON’TS! We will have a scoring system and you will be placed on an accountability team. 







Emilee Saldaya brings two decades and thousands of hours of experience to REIGN, offering you an elevated path: move confidently in the direction of your dreams, alongside other women doing the same.

There is nothing more powerful than a mother who knows exactly who she is, who speaks her truth, has healthy self-talk, and who has rid herself of her draining habits. ✺

Join my FREE newsletter to journey through early 2025 with me until we REIGN →

Scared yet? Good.

Shifts happen once you’re *really* uncomfortable. 

You’ll come to the first call with:

1) A list of all the things you do in a day that drain your energy, hold you back, and stifle your growth (aka what are your vices?) Let’s peak beneath the hood into your underworld of self sabotage. It’s ok, we all have our list. 

2) Three goals to be completed in 2025. We will determine action steps to be working on to achieve in REIGN. You are guaranteed to be closer to your goal (or all the way there!) after 90 days in this powerful container.

Scared yet? Good.

Shifts happen once you’re *really* uncomfortable. 

You’ll come to the first call with:

A list of all the things you do in a day that drain your energy, hold you back, and stifle your growth (aka what are your vices?) Let’s peak beneath the hood into your underworld of self sabotage. It’s ok, we all have our list. 

Three clear goals to be completed in 2025. We will determine action steps to be working on to achieve in REIGN. You are guaranteed to be closer to your goal (or all the way there!) after 90 days in this powerful container.

Some examples of goals are: deepening your relationship with your daughter, mending your relationship with your father, losing 20lbs, doing that bucket list trip, publishing a book...

What You'll Gain In REIGN:

3 Life-Changing Goals 

Define, pursue, and achieve three meaningful goals that will leave you feeling aligned, fulfilled, and unstoppable. Together, we'll create a positive feedback loop of accomplishment that will have a domino effect on the rest of your life.

Your Daily Discipline Mastered

Gain clarity on what serves your growth and what holds you back. Build a personalized framework of do’s to embrace and don’ts to release, creating space for alignment and success. Once you experience 90 days of "cleaning it up" you will be full of creative energy to apply to all areas of your life.

Practical Tools for Lasting Change

Learn and master tools and skills designed to shift your mindset, habits, and actions. From learning to speak clearly, turn resentment into appreciation, fully express your emotions, and create allyship with your most cringe behaviors, you'll be equipped to create the life you want.

A Thriving Community of Sisterly Support

Surround yourself with an inspiring network of conscious sisters who are doing the work, entirely committed to growth, self-discovery, and celebrating each other’s successes. Together, we’ll create a container of encouragement and accountability that magnifies your potential.


Emilee Saldaya


Emilee is known as a trailblazer in the realm of birth liberation - she is a sovereign midwife, a women's elevation coach, the co-creator of the acclaimed Radical Birth Keeper School and The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute, host of the beloved Free Birth Society podcast, and the founder of Free Birth Society, the MatriBirth Directory, and Matriarch Rising Festival. (Yes, she owns 6 companies!)

She is happily married to the love of her life and mother to two wonderful children, with her third on the way. Emilee lives on beautiful acreage in the mountains of North Carolina. Emilee's daily commitments - practiced consciously in this container - keep her grounded, vitalized, and alive to her expansive day-to-day reality of both work and play. 

Emilee has over 10,000 hours of coaching experience working with thousands of women world-wide. Her 20 years of experience in business and continued success are underpinned by the supercharged tools you'll be learning with her week by week, in REIGN. 

Hundreds of women each year seek out Emilee’s mentorship specifically to learn these tools. REIGN was created to answer the call for a live container to accelerate radical growth and expansion for women, through community, accountability, and Emilee's coaching expertise.

In REIGN you'll find that Emilee is sincere, playful, and challenging all at once — she is committed to giving women the spacious witnessing that supports them to take radical responsibility and transform their lives. 

Emilee Saldaya


Emilee is known as a trailblazer in the realm of birth liberation - she is an authentic midwife, a coach, the co-creator of the acclaimed Radical Birth Keeper School and the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute, host of the Free Birth Society podcast, and the founder of Free Birth Society, the MatriBirth Directory, and Matriarch Rising Festival. 

She is also happily married to the love of her life and mother to two wonderful children, with whom she lives on a beautiful homestead in the mountains of North Carolina. Emilee's daily commitments - practiced consciously in this container - keep her grounded, vitalized, and alive to her expansive day-to-day reality of both work and play. 

She has over 10,000 hours of coaching experience working with over 3,000 women. Her 20 years of experience in business and continued success are underpinned by the supercharged tools you'll be learning with her week by week, in REIGN. 

Hundreds of women each year seek out Emilee’s mentorship specifically to learn these tools -REIGN was created to answer the call for a live container to accelerate radical growth and expansion for women, through community, accountability, and Emilee's coaching expertise.

In REIGN you'll find that Emilee is sincere, playful, and challenging all at once — she is  committed to giving women the spacious witnessing that supports them to take radical responsibility and transform their lives. 

This is the way to make 2025
the up-level you're ready for.

This is a 12 week coaching and accountability container, 
using supercharged tools, that will inspire you to actually do the things you say you want to do and be the woman you say you want to be.

From  ever so slightly competitive accountability teams that require daily, YES daily check ins, to a commitment of ending bad habits and setting healthy ones, to weekly coaching calls with Emilee Saldaya, this is the transformation container to make 2025 the up-level you’re ready for. 

Are you ready to become who you really want to be?

Who would you be after 90 days of doing exactly what you know you need to do to be who you dream of being? Come do the work with Emilee Saldaya, alongside a group of fellow brilliant, hardworking, inspiring women, for 12 weeks, and watch your transformation take place.

Step into the highest version of yourself, surrounded by women who support you. 



  • 12 weeks of supercharged work with the tools
  • Weekly coaching calls with Emilee
  • An accountability team to keep you on track
  • Daily check-ins on your commitments
  • A new you in 90 days



  • 12 weeks of supercharged work with the tools
  • Weekly coaching calls with Emilee
  • An accountability team to keep you on track
  • Daily check-ins on your commitments
  • A new you in 90 days
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