The Wild Mother’s Medicine Chest with Arielle de Martinez

Season #4

Arielle de Martinez is Free Birth Society’s in-house healer and herbalist who has spent the duration of her motherhood journey navigating illness outside of the system.

She mentors mothers about plant medicine and natural healing in her local community, guides women as they hone their intuition, develop their skills, and find their confidence as mothers and leaders through the potent initiation of illness.

The Wild Mother’s Medicine Chest is a course for matriarchs who have realized the lies of allopathic medicine and are ready to take charge of their family’s health and wellness. Despite knowing deeply that you don’t want to pop pills or go to a doctor, when your kids get sick it's scary and you wish you just knew exactly what to do.

Through the Wild Mothers Medicine Chest, you will learn how to turn sickness into an opportunity for your children to not just heal, but to become stronger, more robust, and *truly* healthy... So that you can ensure your family gets sick less, respond to illness with natural remedies, and mother from a place of total trust and wise woman wisdom.

Get The Wild Mother’s Medicine Chest here:

Connect with Arielle:

Arielle’s Herbal Offerings:

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Check out more of Free Birth Society’s courses and offerings!

Get The Complete Guide to Freebirth: A sweeping, all-inclusive childbirth education course, designed to prepare pregnant mothers and families for the most powerful independent birth experience possible:  

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Want more? Birthing Truth: A Collection of Freebirth Stories:

The Radical Birth Keeper School starts again September 1st, 2021. You won’t want to miss it: