Welcome to Free Birth Society's

MatriBirth Midwifery Institute

The world’s leading sovereign midwifery school.

Welcome to Free Birth Society's

MatriBirth Midwifery 

The world’s leading sovereign midwifery school.
We begin September 2024.


How MMI Works

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute is a rigorous year-long journey into the full spectrum of sovereign midwifery. The program includes video content, book learning, live classes, a vibrant community forum, student networking, and homework assignments to be evaluated. 


The MMI lecture series offers an incredibly robust library of material available for students to digest at their own pace.

These powerful transmissions by Emilee and Yolande introduce core concepts, offer guidance for written assignments and exercises, and provide an incredible foundation for academic knowledge, midwifery philosophy, the politics of birth, and the spiritual nature of sovereign midwifery.

Live Classes

 Each month, one three-hour live class per week will be offered:

WEEK ONE | Mentorship Pod
First Week of the Month 

WEEK TWO | Class with Emilee 
Second Friday of the month | 12 pm EST

WEEK THREE | Guest Workshops
Third Friday of the month | 12 pm EST

WEEK FOUR | Class with Yolande
Fourth Friday of the month | 12 pm EST

View the entire MatriBirth Midwifery Institute calendar for the 2024-25 year here. 


Aligning your midwifery journey with Free Birth Society, means you have chosen to enter a circle of women committed to radical responsibility, integrity, and success. 

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute invites you into a private community with elevated standards that will be held for the entire duration of the school. MMI is a space where you can connect with sister students, build intentional networks from the beginning of your journey. 

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute Curriculum

The MMI curriculum offers an expansive  collection of live classes, recorded lectures, community integration meetings, spotlight workshops, and intimate mentor groups, spanning an entire year.
 This is where independent midwifery meets leading-edge business school, meets life-changing conscious leadership tools.

QUARTER 1: September 16th - December 8th

The Tools of Self-Mastery 

The first step towards embodying the role of leader in one’s community and embarking on the path of sovereign midwifery involves excavating the Self, and claiming a life of integrity.

Foundational to the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute is our life-changing self-mastery program: an immersive, experiential redesign of your beliefs, stories, assumptions, and unconscious commitments, allowing you to unlock your potential and uplevel your success in every area of your life. 

Based on the The Conscious Leadership Institute pedagogy (and introduced briefly in The Radical Birth Keeper School), the tools of self-mastery involves a deep dive into the a reconfiguration of consciousness, giving you the skills required to become a self-actualized leader in the birth world and beyond.

Encountering the Self

Week 1 | The Road Map to the Four States of Consciousness 

Week 2 | Unpacking Full Responsibility & Living in Curiosity 

Week 3 | Body Mapping & Emotional Intelligence  

Week 4 | Learning Candor, Congruency, and Integrity 

Week 5 | Your Unique Lane of Genius: Living in Your Full Aliveness 

Week 6 | Practicing Appreciation, Play, Rest, and Renewal

Week 7 | Understanding Projection: The Four Questions of Self Inquiry 

Week 8 | Sourcing from Within: Harnessing Our Own Approval, Security, and Control 

Week 9 | Choosing Enoughness: I Am, I Deserve 

Week 10 | The World as My Ally: I Am the Solution 

Week 11 |  Persona Play: Befriending Our Hard Wired Behaviors

Week 12 | We Are Infinite: Working with Guides

QUARTER 2: December 9th - March 2nd

The Art of The MatriBirth Midwife

The Matribirth Midwifery Institute offers a radical departure from the dominant paradigm of obstetric birth, delivering a grounded, evidence-based education in the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth supported by expert spotlight teachers, while remaining rooted in a psycho-spiritual approach that rightfully represents midwifery as service and spiritual vocation.

MMI is grounded in the commitment to birth as a sacred transformational ritual as much as it is a physical experience. When we combine devotion, knowledge, and wisdom as sovereign midwives, our work and our lives become Art.

The Sovereign Birth Paradigm

Week 1 | The Root Cause 

  • The Far-Reaching Impacts of Industrial Birth
  • How Midwifery has Shaped the Cult of Obstetrics (and vice versa)
  • Empowerment Culture and the Myth of Informed Consent
  • Ethics of the Embodied Birth Keeper

Week 2 | Introducing the Sovereign Birth Paradigm 

  • Ethical Birth-Work and the Sovereign Frame
  • Becoming an Embodied Sovereign Birth Attendant
  • The Freebirth Revolution
  • No One Can Attend a Freebirth
  • The Principles of Sovereign Consciousness 

Week 3 | Knowing Birth 

  • How Physiological Birth Unfolds
  • Supporting & Protecting Undisturbed Birth
  • The Alchemical Imprint of Physiological Birth
  • Navigating Birth Culture, Legalities, & Politics
  • Certifications vs Licensure

Week 4 | The Sovereign Midwifery Code

  • The Cognitive Dissonance of Licensed Midwifery 
  • How To Be a Grown Woman
  • The 8 Pillars of Authentic Midwifery
  • Traversing the 4 Stepping Stones of Sovereign Birth-Work 
  • The Commitments of the Resourced Midwife 

Facilitating Sacred Postpartum

Week 11 | The First 3 Days Postpartum 

  • Supporting Breastfeeding 
  • The First 3 days: What to Expect for the Mother
  • Supporting Postpartum Logistics  
  • Trailing membranes 
  • Retained placenta 
  • Mother’s Postpartum Recovery
  • A Fresh Perspective on Tearing
  • The Thriving Newborn: Understanding the Scope of Newborn Physiology and Behavior 

Week 12 | The First Forty Days 

  • First 40 days - What a New Mother Needs to Thrive and Integrate 
  • Diastasis Recti, Hemorrhoids, Prolapse 
  • Organizing Support & Holding Space 
  • Co-sleeping
  • Sex & Sexuality
  • Body Issues and Yoni Changes 
  • Conducting a Postpartum Debrief
Walking With Women

Week 5 | Your Lighthouse Birth Practice

  • Establishing Your Integral Birth Practice 
  • Deconstructing Birth Client Interviews
  • Red Flags and Security 
  • Wild Pregnancy: Supporting Pregnancy Outside the System
  • Symptoms & Self-Healing During Pregnancy
  • Case Studies 

Week 6 | Prenatal Support

  • The Prenatal Connection Session
  • Moving Through the Three Seasons of Pregnancy
  • Using a Fetoscope 
  • Palpation 
  • Anemia 
  • The RH Factor 
  • Cholestasis 
  • Pre-eclampsia 
  • Prenatal Nutrition and Movement 
  • Approaching the Veil of Birth
  • Being on Call and Handling Back Ups
  • Early Early Labor, Missing Births, & Showing Up Clean
  • Working with Trauma 
  • Preparing the Family: managing roles and expectations 
  • Working with Single Mothers 

Week 7 | The Internal and External Energetics of Midwifery

  • Sacred and Spiritual Midwifery 
  • Logistics of Attending Birth
  • Mastering the Energy of the Birth Room  
  • VBAC
  • Emergence and Newborn First Breaths 
  • Placental Examination 
  • Waterbirth
  • Birth Photography 

Week 8 | The Unexpected

  • Supporting Women Through the Unexpected
  • Long Births 
  • Precipitous Births 
  • Preterm Birth
  • Variations of Normal
  • Breech 
  • Twins
  • Resolving Complications at Home 
  • Excessive Bleeding
  • The Birth of the Placenta 
  • Cord Snapping 
  • Bladder Challenges 
  • Early Ruptured Membranes

Week 9 | Navigating Rare Emergencies

  • Transfer
  • Shoulder Dystocia 
  • Uterine Rupture 
  • Placental Abruption 
  • Transverse & Positioning Issues 
  • Hemorrhage 
  • Meconium Aspiration 
  • Cord Prolapse 

Week 10 | Death Work is Birth Work: Supporting the Full-Spectrum of Loss

  • Supporting Miscarriage: Within and Outside of the System 
  • When a Baby Dies in Pregnancy 
  • When a Baby Dies in Labor 
  • Surprise Stillbirth
  • Known Stillbirth 
  • Abortion: Within and Outside of the System 
  • Spiritual Loss: The Seasons of Womanhood 

QUARTER 3: March 3rd - May 25th

Sovereign Childbirth Education

Teaching, Coaching, and Birth Trauma Debriefs

It is a delight to introduce within the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute program, two core MatriBirth methodologies: The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method and MatriBirth Sovereign Childbirth Education.  

The MatriBirth Sovereign Childbirth Education program is a complete training in our unique signature childbirth education curriculum, rooted in the consciousness of radical responsibility and birth liberation.

The program includes a teacher manual, sample class plans, instruction on how to teach with power and inspiration, and parent handouts, along with a module on successfully marketing your birth education classes in your community and online. 

The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method is an unprecedented leading-edge coaching program that offers a profoundly compassionate, emancipatory, and effective approach to supporting women who are healing from obstetric violence, abuse, and mistreatment.

The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method approach combines a revolutionary understanding of the root causes not only of birth-related trauma itself, but of its reverberations throughout the collective culture and individual lifelines, with a focus on integrating and resolving subconscious patterning. This module will equip MMI students with the core competencies required to begin a practice as skilled birth-related trauma debrief practitioners.   

Teaching Sovereign Childbirth Education

Week 1 | The MatriBirth Childbirth Education Curriculum 

Week 2 | Teaching Etiquette: How to Run a Transformational Container 

Week 3 | Business and Troubleshooting 

The Fundamental Elements of Powerful Coaching Virtually and In-Person

Week 4 |The Coaching Framework & Practice 

Week 5 | Assuming the Role of a Truly Grounded Coach: Power, Rightful Authority, and Triggers 

Week 6 | Business Essentials, Coaching Ethics, and Etiquette: Professionalism and Building an Internal Business Structure 

Introducing the MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method

Week 7 | Deconstructing Birth-Related Trauma 

Week 8 | Who are the women, the spectrum of readiness 

Week 9 | Conducting Birth Trauma Debriefs 

Week 10 | Asking Transformational Questions

Week 11 | Coaching with Presence, Candour, and Compassion

Week 12 | Transmuting Trauma Into Power: The Next Steps

QUARTER 4: May 26th - August 15th

Building Your Lighthouse Birth Business

Whether you’re brand new to the professional world of birth-work, or re-birthing an existing business, our business school will give you the tools, the action-steps, and the roadmap for not only building a successful birth-business, but for creating a life and legacy of true abundance and financial freedom. With the guidance of two of the most successful business-women in the birth-world, you’ll design and implement your business plan, face and fix your residual money-hangups, and finally raise your thermostat setting so that you can truly shift from scarcity to abundance. 

In a rapidly accelerating social landscape, more and more women are recognizing that financial freedom and self-sufficiency are the keys to collective wealth and thriving. MatriBirth Midwifery Institute’s business program is your path to creating a lifestyle that is easeful, profitable, sustainable, and profoundly rooted in love and service to motherbaby and families.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Awakening Your Birth Brand

Week 1 | Birthing Your Brand 

Week 2 | Setting Up Your Platforms and Assets and Crafting Your Offers 

Week 3 | Money: Your Relationship to Money, How to Make It, Agreements, When to Hire

Week 4 | How to Write Authentic and Impactful Copy

Week 5 | Using Social Media Without Being Used: Healthy Strategies and Perspective 

Week 6 | Expressing Your Unique Voice: Thriving in the World of AI 

Week 7 | Creating Easy Customer Funnels That Sell: Newsletters, Opt-Ins, and Campaigns

Week 8 | Doing the Work: Discipline, Consistency, Rhythms, and Flow 

Week 9 | Nurturing Your Women-Centered Business: How to Network Online and In Person in Sisterhood

Week 10 |  Integration: Action Steps for Your Continued Success 

Week 11 | Your Business Presentation with Emilee and Yolande

Week 12 | Launching Your Business into the World!

MMI is the only midwifery school that fuses independent midwifery, holistic health & healing, a full childbirth education curriculum, birth-coaching and trauma debrief training, and a transformational self-mastery program, all in the context of a high-level business catalyst.

Our year-long program is a powerful accelerator that will take you from the sidelines into the professional birth arena. 


Our Monthly Workshops

 We are honored to offer an inspiring lineup of five brilliant spotlight teachers. The topics will include invaluable knowledge and skills for midwifery practice that you won't find taught anywhere else.

The Postpartum Pelvis

Dr. Rebecca Cohen

Join sovereign midwife, RBK graduate, and holistic women’s health care practitioner to learn about the postpartum pelvis from a physiological standpoint. You’ll discover the ancient practices that support real pelvic healing after birth, including how to prepare the women you serve for this sacred time. This workshop will cover common complications such as prolapse, tearing, diastasis-recti, and more, giving you the knowledge you need to support your clients outside of the system. This is essential wisdom for anyone working with postpartum women.

The Primal Newborn Transition

Sister MorningStar

It is with great honor and privilege that we welcome elder independent midwife and high priestess, Sister MorningStar, to share her wisdom on the final stages of birth and the newborn transition, including the birth of the placenta. Sister is a foremother in the sovereign midwifery movement, and her particular passion in the newborn transition is a gift to our learning. She will teach you about the newborn first breaths from both a physiological and spiritual perspective, how to support a woman as she releases the placenta, and how to hold space for a mother intuitively assisting her baby to transition.

The Female Hormonal Matrix

Kristin Hauser

Learn from hormone expert, acupuncturist and herbalist, Kristin Hauser, about the hormonal matrix. This workshop will guide you throughout the phases of a woman's life cycle. Acquiring a deep understanding of the primary hormones that impact our cyclical lives as women is foundation to providing well woman care. Hormones are not a pathology. Instead they weave a rich tapestry of thriving health throughout our reproductive lives. Learn from hormone expert, acupuncturist and herbalist, Kristin Hauser, about the hormonal matrix of womanhood. This workshop will give you an understanding of the phases of a woman's life cycle through the lens of our amazing hormones as they impact the phases of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond. Step into your power as a woman’s mentor and guide by gaining a deep understanding the main hormones that impact our experience as women.

Birth Business Writing Workshop

Yolande Norris-Clark

Harnessing the potential of the word remains one of the most critical of all business skills. In the context of birth-work, the importance of word-medicine is amplified even more. Not only is our ability to succinctly communicate how we approach the philosophy and physiology of birth essential to refining our audience and connecting with our dream birth-clients, but the magnetic power of storytelling is at the very heart of how and why birth will always be the engine of culture. Join Yolande Norris-Clark, one of the most beloved and acclaimed birth-writers (and birth business-mavens) working today, for a workshop on writing for your birth business that will cover copywriting, marketing content, writing for social media, and the various ways that business writing has evolved (including Yolande’s perspective on AI and its prevalence and possible uses).

Ritualizing the Motherhood Continuum

Nancy Lucina

Join Nancy Lucina, Shamanic Facilitator, to learn how to ritualize the motherhood continuum with reverence and power. In this workshop, you’ll learn the importance of ritual and ceremony for marking significant passages in women’s lives. Nancy will guide you through the steps to ritualize pregnancy loss, mother blessings, and the postpartum transition. This aspect of midwifery is incredibly important as you learn to support women through such powerful portals as pregnancy, birth, and newborn motherhood. The skill of shamanic facilitation will support you and the women you serve to access real, sustainable growth and embodiment through these passages.

Herbs, Homeopathy, and Cell Salts

Arielle de Martinez

An expert in the field of holistic medicine, Arielle de Martinez brings to MMI her wide scope of knowledge on herbs, homeopathy, and cell salts. This workshop will introduce the application of natural medicines for both the midwife herself, and the families she serves. This workshop will introduce you to the art of cultivating an effective, respectful, and appropriate relationship to plant allies and earth’s healing elements, with an emphasis on the distinction between allopathic herbalism and the role plants and natural healing can play throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Workshopping the Tools

Emilee Saldaya

In this highly interactive workshop, Emilee Saldaya will guide students through a 3-hour real-time self-mastery tools practice session. This session will give you an opportunity to  explore your commitments, vent on the Drama Triangle, practice shifting, feel your feelings, ask willingness questions, and so much more.

You’ll also get to practice being in the supportive coach position, guide your partner through this practice to hone your skills as a coach and facilitator of self-mastery, and receive real-time feedback from Emilee herself. Learn some of the most profound skills to serve you in your own life and on your professional path.

Dis-Ease and Self-Healing: Exploring German New Medicine

Yolande Norris-Clark

Join Yolande Norris-Clark for an exclusive workshop on Self-Healing During Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood. Based on Yolande’s unique approach to wellness in combination with her iconoclastic interpretation of Hamer’s Germanic Healing Framework, this session will offer an introduction to her signature energetic healing framework inspired by the fundamental principles of Ryke Geerd Hamer’s Biological Laws (similar to what is known as Germanic New Medicine, or GNM). Yolande will share how she applies these principles to herself and her children, how her understanding of healing has informed her work in birth, and how she shares this transformational framework with her clients during pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

The Persona Party

Emilee Saldaya

Join Emilee Saldaya for her signature Persona Party, a favorite of those who study the tools with her. Come and identify which of your personas you want to embellish, explore, and get to know through this real-time playful exercise. You’ll get dressed up, embody your persona, and be interviewed in your persona. Through this edgy virtual party, you’ll get a deeper understanding of how you can play with the personas at work within yourself and how they contribute to the drama of your life, and the lives of the women you serve.

Birth Story Sharing Circle

Nya Boucher

Join us for an intimate workshop where you’ll be both participating in sharing birth stories and learning how to lead birth story sharing circles yourself. A birth story sharing circle is a powerfully beautiful and simple offering for your community to process births of all kinds. Learn how to facilitate this sweet offering for the women in your village, while experiencing the magic yourself. All birth stories are welcome, and there will be opportunity for 6 women to share their stories.

The MatriBirth Mentorship Pods

The MMI year-long program incorporates a dynamic large class setting, while each student will also be placed within an intimate mentorship pod of 10 students mentored by a skilled and experienced RBK graduate working in the professional world of birth.

Students will remain in their respective pods throughout the entire year, forging a deep relationship of trust and sisterhood.

Nya Boucher, Hawaii
Nya is Free Birth Society’s in-house copywriter and marketing assistant. She has supported women in sovereign birth, and in marketing birth/holistic businesses online since 2021.

Olivia Seline, Minnesota
Olivia has 11 years in the online coaching industry and has been running the backend of high-level women's companies, including Yolande Norris-Clark, for the last 2 years.

Isabel Greiner, Texas
Isabel is a Birth & Family Consultant. In addition to her work in sovereign birth, she also helps women navigate their complex, intergenerational families.

Amoraea O’Duir, Canada
Amoraea is a seasoned mother and multidisciplinary artist who walks with women through their autonomous birth continuum, offering in-person and virtual support as a full-spectrum sovereign birthkeeper.

Ari Stewart, North Carolina
Ari is a Sovereign Business Director and has been FBS’s Lead Administrative Coordinator for 4 years. Her work embodies the business operations side of the radical women’s liberation movement.

Erica Davis, North Carolina
Erica is Free Birth Society’s Podcast Producer, Membership Director, and an Administrative Coordinator. Erica is one of the backbones of Free Birth Society.

Bec Wild, Australia 
Bec is a Women's Self Mastery Coach and Radical Birth Keeper who intertwines science, history, psychology, and spirit to support and challenge women to take back their power.

Megan Borukhovsky, Tennessee 
Megan is an artist, mother, writer, graphic designer and the creative director of Free Birth Society. She has run a successful woman-centered business for over 7 years.

Jess Owens, Canada
Jess is a Radical Birth Keeper who walks with women through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, offering in-person support and virtual coaching, while exploring their autonomous choices.

Kaitlyn Valencia, California 
Kaitlyn is a Radical Birth Keeper & Lactation Consultant who witnesses modern women re-awaken their wild and untamed hearts through birth, and their breastfeeding journeys.

View the entire MatriBirth Midwifery Institute calendar for the 2024-25 year here. 

 Join our life-changing program now:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute




$699 USD for 12 months + $4k down payment


We are proud to offer a grant program to make MMI accessible to more women:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute has a grant program that offers 50% towards the tuition. The deadline to apply is July 31st, 2024. You can apply for the grant here.













We are proud to offer a grant program to make MMI accessible to more women:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute has a grant program that offers 50% towards the tuition. You can apply for the grant here.

MatriBirth Certification: What is it, and Why? 

When you complete MMI, you will be given the option to initiate certification, a private designation used to differentiate you from other midwives who may or may not uphold the standards that we believe are indicative of the highest caliber of midwives. When you choose to certify with Free Birth Society, you’ll receive:


Ongoing access to our private online professional network which will include continued education workshops. 


A specific designation in our public-facing directory so that women may easily find you when seeking an aligned midwife. 


The ability to use the title “Free Birth Society Certified MatriBirth Midwife” to describe your education and career. 

Certification will require the passing of an exam based on the content of the school, the acceptable completion of all required homework assignments, the documented attendance of at least 5 sovereign births, and the completion of three essential reading texts.

We are so excited to offer this opportunity to our most committed students who seek the affiliation and support of the world’s greatest sovereign birth brand, Free Birth Society.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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