The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute

The world’s leading sovereign midwifery school.
We begin September 2024.


The MatriBirth Midwifery 

The world’s leading sovereign midwifery school.
We begin September 2024.


Welcome to the new paradigm of birth-work. 

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute is the first of its kind.  

 MMI is the gold standard online intensive midwifery school. Our year-long program is a powerful accelerator that will take you from the sidelines into the professional birth arena. 

We are the only midwifery school that fuses independent midwifery, holistic health & healing, a full childbirth education curriculum, birth-coaching and trauma debrief training, and a transformational self-mastery program, all in the context of a high-level business catalyst.

Becoming a MatriBirth Midwife puts you at the forefront of birth-work, offering an in-depth training that will provide the knowledge, skills, and professional support required to create a thriving business while doing the most important work on the planet. 

The MatriBirth Midwife: Pioneering Midwifery for the New Era.

MMI is everything you need to fully up-level yourself, your life, and become the coach, teacher, leader, and midwife you’re ready to become.

Introducing the MMI program:

The year-long MatriBirth Midwifery Institute experience includes four distinct quarters of study concentrated on four core areas of knowledge: 

Quarter One
September 16th - December 8th 

The Tools of Self Mastery

The first step towards embodying a leadership role in one’s community and embarking on the path of sovereign midwifery involves excavating the Self, and claiming a life of integrity. Foundational to the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute is our life-changing self-mastery program: an immersive, experiential redesign of your beliefs, stories, assumptions, and unconscious commitments, allowing you to unlock your potential and up-level your success in every area of your life. 

Based on the The Conscious Leadership Institute pedagogy (and introduced briefly in The Radical Birth Keeper School), the tools of self-mastery involve a deep dive into a reconfiguration of consciousness, giving you the skills required to become a self-actualized leader in the birth-world and beyond.

Quarter Two
December 9th - March 2nd

The Art of The MatriBirth Midwife

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute offers a radical departure from the dominant paradigm of obstetric birth, delivering a grounded, evidence-based education in the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth. Our curriculum is supported by expert spotlight teachers, while remaining rooted in a psycho-spiritual approach to birth-work that rightfully represents midwifery as both service and spiritual vocation.

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute is anchored in the commitment to birth as a sacred transformational ritual as much as it is a physical experience. When we combine devotion, knowledge, and wisdom as sovereign midwives, our work and our lives become art.

Quarter Three
March 3rd - May 25th

Sovereign Childbirth Education

It is a delight to introduce within the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute program, two core MatriBirth methodologies: The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method and MatriBirth Sovereign Childbirth Education.  

The MatriBirth Sovereign Childbirth Education program is a complete training in our unique signature childbirth education curriculum, rooted in the consciousness of radical responsibility and birth liberation. The program includes a teacher's manual, sample class plans, instruction on how to teach with power and inspiration, and parent handouts, along with a module on successfully marketing your birth education classes to your community and online. 

The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method is an unprecedented leading-edge coaching program that offers a profoundly compassionate, emancipatory, and effective approach to supporting women who are healing from obstetric violence, abuse, and mistreatment. The MatriBirth Trauma Integration Method approach combines a revolutionary understanding of the root causes not only of birth-related trauma itself, but of its reverberations throughout the collective culture and individual lifelines, with a focus on integrating and resolving subconscious patterning. This module will equip MMI students with the core competencies necessary to begin a practice as skilled birth-related trauma debrief practitioners.

Quarter Four
May 26th - August 15th

Building Your Lighthouse Birth Business

In a rapidly accelerating social and economic landscape, more and more women are recognizing that financial freedom and self-sufficiency are the keys to wealth and thriving. MatriBirth Midwifery Institute’s business program is your path to creating a lifestyle that is easeful, profitable, sustainable, and profoundly rooted in love and service to motherbaby and families.

Luminaries in the business of birth, Emilee and Yolande bring the full measure of their complementary strengths in entrepreneurship and innovation to the MatriBirth Midwifery Institute Business school. Fusing heart, soul, and ethics with strategy; the mindful implementation of tools and tech; and the timeless principles of preeminence, MMI’s business curriculum provides the roadmap to success.

Whether you’re brand new to the professional world of birth-work, or re-birthing an existing business, our business program will give you the action-steps for not only building a successful birth-business, but for creating a life and legacy of true abundance and financial freedom. With the guidance of two of the most successful business-women in the birth-world, you’ll design and implement your business plan, face and fix your residual money-hangups, and finally raise your thermostat setting so that you can truly shift from scarcity to abundance.

As seen in:

Yolande Norris-Clark & Emilee Saldaya

Emilee Saldaya and Yolande Norris-Clark are the dynamic power couple of the sovereign birth world.

As leading voices in their fields, with over 40 years of combined expertise, Emilee and Yolande are blazing the trail of the birth liberation movement as it proliferates across the planet. With a passionate dedication to teaching women and birth workers everywhere how to step forward and co-create what they have coined as The Sovereign Birth Paradigm.

Their professional relationship (and best friendship) began in 2017 and quickly evolved into collaborating on creating the bestselling online course The Complete Guide to Freebirth. Released in 2018, the Complete Guide to Freebirth has reached over 10,000 women and families, and remains the most popular and comprehensive childbirth education program available. 

In the wake of the epic success of The Complete Guide to Freebirth, the two women immediately saw the need to share their knowledge of authentic birth keeping more widely. The launch of The Radical Birth Keeper School in 2020 finally offered aspiring independent midwives an integral, effective container and training program. 

Women flocked to the RBK School from every corner–including medical midwives, OB/GYNs, institutional doulas, and those new to birth-work–all eager to learn and implement the skills required to support their sisters with integrity, and to take their place in the professional realm of independent birth. Since its inception, the RBK School has sold out every round, and there are now over 500 graduates from 30 different countries walking the path of sovereign birth-keeping.

Constantly innovating, Emilee and Yolande are continuously building new opportunities for sharing the transformation available when women step into true devotion to their individual power and the power of sisterhood. 

"Our philosophy is rooted in the elemental belief that a mother’s body is always revealing to her, and us as her birth keeper, the most profound truth about her birth, that the birthing woman’s physiological responses are the primary indicators of the quality of her environment, of her support system, of the energy she is absorbing and reflecting, all of which have the most impact on how her birth will proceed."

- Yolande Norris-Clark

"The midwife knows how to feel fear and untangle it from thoughts, facts, and stories. The sovereign midwife isn't bound to the rules and regulation of her government, she is committed exclusively to the agreement she has made with and to the mother - and will serve in her highest integrity."

- Emilee Saldaya

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute offers a full year of study and mentorship.

School begins in September 2024 and runs for a full year. 

Each of the four quarters are three months in duration. 

The 4 live classes per month run for 3 hours each. 

Enrollment includes access to a private community student network for the duration of the program.

Each student will be placed in a mentorship pod consisting of 10 students and a skilled mentor.

In addition to the live classes, the program includes an incredibly robust curriculum of pre-recorded material.

The MMI program is bolstered by five experts in the field of birth who will offer a series of powerful workshops throughout the year.


In addition to our enormous curriculum library and monthly live calls, The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute proudly features five guest teachers: Dr. Rebecca Cohen, Sister MorningStar, Arielle de Martinez, Nancy Lucina, and Kristin Hauser.

The Postpartum Pelvis

Dr. Rebecca Cohen

Learn the ancient practices that support real pelvic healing after birth, including how to prepare the women you serve for this sacred time. These skills will inform how you show up for mothers during the precious six weeks following childbirth. 

The Primal Newborn Transition

Sister MorningStar

Discover the wisdom of newborn transition from both the physiological and spiritual perspective, including how to support a woman as she releases the placenta, and space-holding techniques for supporting a mother's intuitive knowing. 

The Female Hormonal Matrix

Kristin Hauser

Decode the hormonal matrix of womanhood and gain the skills to support women throughout all seasons of life, from pre-conception and fertility, to pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.

Ritualizing The Motherhood Continuum

Nancy Lucina

Learn how to create powerful rituals to honor pregnancy loss, mother blessings, and the postpartum transition. This aspect of midwifery is incredibly important as you learn to support women through the portals of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood.

Herbs, Homeopathy, and Cell Salts

Arielle de Martinez

The ability to cultivate relationship with plant allies as you support women is an important tool in your sovereign toolkit. This workshop will teach key herbs and resources for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and family health.  

The Persona Party

Emilee Saldaya

Explore the hard-wired behaviors that keep you from living in your full aliveness and presence. You'll leave this edgy, confronting (hilarious) and deeply revealing workshop with new tools on how to play with and manage your primary self sabotaging personas. 


Dis-Ease and Self-Healing: Exploring German New Medicine

Yolande Norris-Clark

This is an introduction to Yolande's signature energetic healing framework inspired by the fundamental principles of Ryke Geerd Hamer’s Biological Laws. You will learn how to share this transformational framework with your clients during pregnancy, birth, and beyond.


Workshopping The Tools

Emilee Saldaya

In this highly interactive workshop, everyone will get paired up to practice the self-mastery tools we have learned together in real time. You’ll also get to practice being in the supportive coach position, and guide your partner through this practice to hone in on your skills as a coach and facilitator of self-mastery.


Birth Story Sharing Circle

Nya Boucher

This intimate workshop will give you an opportunity to participate in a transformational birth-story sharing circle, while learning how to lead them yourself.   

Birth Business Writing

Yolande Norris-Clark

Join us for a workshop on writing for your birth business that will cover copywriting, marketing content, writing for social media, and the various ways that business writing has evolved.

Explore Our Workshops Here →
MMI Mentorship Pods: An intimate container for integration and growth.

Your mentorship pod will consist of 10 students, and will be led by a skilled and experienced RBK graduate working in the professional world of birth. During the monthly pod meetings, your mentor will support you in integrating course material, navigating questions and challenges, and guide you on your journey through MMI. 
They’ll also monitor and review your homework assignments, and provide thorough feedback on your business assets as you begin to build your very own birth brand.

 Join our life-changing program now:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute



$699 USD / 12 months + $4k down payment


We are proud to offer a grant program to make MMI accessible to more women:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute has a grant program that offers 50% towards the tuition. The deadline to apply is July 31st, 2024You can apply for the grant here.



$1200 USD / 12 months




$3333 USD / 4 months




$12,000 USD / one-time


We are proud to offer a grant program to make MMI accessible to more women:

The MatriBirth Midwifery Institute has a grant program that offers 50% towards the tuition. You can apply for the grant here.

Join the MMI newsletter and get our *exclusive* podcast series, The Calling.

The Calling will challenge you, inspire you, and enlighten you. Listen along as Emilee and Yolande speak truth to power and deconstruct and dissect the dynamics of industrial midwifery and obstetrics, along with celebrating (and teaching) some of the core concepts and skills foundational for practicing as a truly sovereign midwife.

Welcome to the Birth Revolution. 

"The best birth attendants understand they are not needed. The best birth attendants serve from love, not fear. The best birth attendants celebrate money, purpose, power, and freedom. The best birth attendants live in enoughness, not scarcity. The best birth attendants do not seek to dominate and control. The best birth attendants are loyal to the mother and her dream."

- Emilee Saldaya

"We honor mothers as the sole authority of their bodies, their babies, and their birth processes, and we are dedicated to teaching the next generation of authentic midwives as women who know themselves, and who own themselves, and who stand in power and right-relationship, answerable to only herself and no external authority other than the mother, who is truly, and in practice, the decider over her body, her birth, and her baby."

- Yolande Norris-Clark

MatriBirth Midwifery Institute









days until we begin our inaugural year!