The Blood Mysteries School

Initiating You into the Sacred Secrets of Womanhood

 We are calling you into our cave of wise women, sitting around the fire, sharing the ancient secrets of the blood mysteries.

We are ready to share with you the magic of an honored first bleed, the earth-shattering energy of a balanced cycle, the creative force of fire of a woman flowing with fertility. 
Are you ready to claim your place, to stand out as a healer and educator of the new paradigm? Our doors are open now, the only time of the year we offer access to this deep initiation.


For 16 weeks, we meet three times a week. Our one-of-a-kind course comes absolutely filled to the brim with additional self-guided resources, rituals, basic and masterclasses, outlined below.
Opening Ceremony  

Monday February 3rd, 3-5 pm EST

We will gather for our opening call to discuss all the logistics of the program and answer any questions you may have. We will then join hearts in song, meditation, introductions, and sharing so that we co-create a ceremonial container to dive deeply together over the next 8 weeks.

For 8 weeks, we meet once a week live. Our one-of-a-kind course comes absolutely filled to the brim with additional self-guided resources, rituals, and masterclasses, outlined below.
Embodied Learning & Leadership Classes

Thursdays at 3 pm EST beginning February 6th for 2.5 hours 

In these LIVE dynamic, engaging core curriculum classes, we will combine teaching transmissions, embodiment practices, and ceremonial experiences.You’ll also be able to share your joys and struggles, dive into relevant discussions with your fellow students, have your questions answered and receive mentorship from Nancy or Kristin.

Core Workshops

These rich and beautiful workshops will take you deeper into understanding your own body and sexuality. You'll also learn how to guide other women and young girls through this material, create powerful ceremonial spaces, and heal traumas around your initiation into menarche.

Our core workshops include: 
Bringing the Blood Mysteries Forward, Being a Guide of Womb Wisdom, Embodied Anatomy of Arousal, Body Literacy and the Fertility Awareness Method  

The world is in need of women that actually understand the depths of a woman’s physiology.
This program is for training women healers, holistic health practitioners, and fertility experts to be skillful and knowledgeable in what’s beyond the allopathic and pharmaceutical sphere.

Our  Curriculum

We have divided the curriculum into 4 distinct phases of the menstrual cycle. We focus on the archetypal energies along with the physical, energetic, and hormonal layers of each cycle phase. We include embodiment practices as well as steps on how to heal at the root level. 

In addition to our live calls, each module includes a beautifully designed archetypal workbook full of ritual wisdom, journal prompts, herbal medicine teachings, and more. In addition, we'll be using case studies and practices to ensure that you fully embody the teachings of the program. You'll also receive over 6 teaching videos per module to listen to at your own pace and a professionally recorded audio meditation.

A private online community will be available for one full year for continued support, processing, and relationship building. You will have lifetime access to all of the materials as well as ongoing access to the private online community for graduates. 


Spring: The Maiden

In module one, we will discover the energy of the Maiden and the follicular phase of the cycle. 

𖦹 A core teaching on how your inner Maiden shows up in the follicular phase of your cycle, along with ebbs and flows of the magic and the shadow of the Maiden -- the breath of life and the damsel in distress.

𖦹 An embodiment journey exploring the air element focused on how to harness the fresh, vibrant, life giving energy of the Maiden. This experiential call will help you heal any traumas that may be buried in your subconscious associated with your first bleed and the years following. The Menarche Reclamation Ceremony will be a profound guided ceremony while being held and witnessed in sisterhood. 

𖦹 A core teaching on the basics of Chinese Medicine Yin and Yang Theory, along with the importance of Qi and Blood for menstrual vitality.

𖦹 A core teaching on hormone basics for understanding the cycle. This includes what a healthy cycle looks like, variations of normal, how to support your follicular phase through diet and lifestyle medicine, and how your healing path holds medicine for others.


  • A complete, self paced guide to vaginal or pelvic steaming, including protocols and herbal recommendations
  • How to do breast massage as a self care practice
  • Self-guided teachings on acupressure basics, points for cycle support, and guided acupressure journeys
  • Herbal medicine essentials and incorporating plant medicine allies for the Spring phase
  • A meditation audio ritual so that you can fully initiate yourself into your inner Maiden
  • Guidance on how to set up an altar and call on the sacred directions and elements

You will walk away from The Maiden being properly re-initiated into womanhood, knowing the foundations of leading women’s circles, understanding how to use and teach the fertility awareness method and how to facilitate pelvic steaming for root-level healing for you and your community. 

Summer: The Mother

In module two, we will cover the energy of the Mother and the magic of the ovulatory phase of the cycle.

A core teaching on how the inner Mother archetype shows up during the ovulatory phase of your cycle, along with the ebbs and flows of the magic and the shadow of the Mother -- the magnetic Queen and the over-giver. 

𖦹 An embodiment journey using the fire element to harness the energy of the Mother properly so that you can use her juicy and potent energy to magnetize and harmonize. 

𖦹 A core teaching on how to view the cycle through the lens of Yin and Yang and potential imbalances that can arise through the lens of Chinese Medicine.

𖦹 A core guide on sex hormones vs. stress hormones and the importance of nervous system regulation, along with what is normal and vital for the Summer phase, how to support ovulation through diet and lifestyle, and guidance on gathering essential information about cycle health for further clarity around hormonal imbalances.


  • Self paced guides on how to practice abdominal massage for increased circulation, better ovulation, and easier periods
  • How to do ovarian breathing as a self care practice
  • Self guided teachings on herbal medicine essentials and acupressure basics for the Summer phase
  • An audio meditation ritual so that you can fully initiate yourself into your inner Mother
  • Learn 12 songs from Nancy and music essentials to enrich your women’s circles with sacred sounds and shamanic drumming when facilitating

You will walk away from The Mother knowing how to activate your “Inner Queen” for potent manifestation, how to move stagnant physical energy for vibrant hormonal health, how to step out of the lens of pathology and address common cycle challenges through the wisdom of chinese medicine and how to incorporate ritual song and music for your circles and ceremonies.

Fall: The Sorceress

In module three, we will turn towards the alchemy of the Sorceress and the luteal phase/premenstrual time.

𖦹 A core teaching on how your inner Sorceress shows up during the luteal phase of your cycle and the ebbs and flows of the magic and the shadow of the Sorceress -- the fierce bringer of truth and nagging inner critic.

𖦹 Learn to process grief in your cycle in a productive way.

𖦹 An embodiment journey using the water element to to harness the energy of the Sorceress properly. You'll learn how to use her transformative energy to cut through lies and release what no longer serves you, aligning your womb’s energy with your heart and voice.

𖦹 A core teaching on the role of the liver in hormonal resilience and supporting proper detoxification pathways, along with discovering progesterone as Yang medicine and supporting this essential hormone.

𖦹 A core guide on what is normal and vital for the luteal phase, along with diet and lifestyle support. Through case studies we'll explain how to interpret basal body temperature charts and other health indicators to promote healing.



  • Self paced guide on how to use castor oil packs as essential womb medicine
  • Self guided teachings on herbal medicine essentials and acupressure basics for the Fall phase
  • How to perform spiritual baths as a self care practice
  • Learn how to clear energy before and after your circles and how to clarify what your unique medicine is when leading
  • An audio meditation ritual so that you can fully initiate yourself into your inner Sorceress

You will walk away from The Sorceress knowing how to alchemize emotional stagnation that causes imbalances and pain, understanding how to support your liver for hormone balance and learning ancient shamanic practices to support your spiritual journey and the journeys of women and coming-of-age girls in your community.

Winter: The Crone

In module four, you will receive an initiation into the wisdom of the Crone and the mysteries of your bleeding time. We will close in ceremony as sisters, leaving you with a deep sense of rooted wisdom. 

𖦹 A core teaching on how your inner Crone shows up during the menstrual phase of your cycle, the ebbs and flows of the magic and the shadow of the Crone -- the wisdom keeper and the vulnerable disoriented one within.

𖦹 A core embodiment journey using the earth element to harness the energy of the Crone. You'll use her spiritual wisdom to discern your blockages around rest and ceremonially rebirth yourself.

𖦹 A core teaching on how to discern potential hormonal imbalances by developing a relationship to your blood and fostering the Womb Heart connection according to Chinese Medicine.

𖦹 A core teaching on how to support your monthly flow through diet and lifestyle medicine.



  • Proper period care for easeful flow, happy hormones and deeper intimacy with your true nature
  • Learn the importance of prioritizing rest and how to use your blood in magic and ritual 
  • How to recognize common hormonal imbalances such as progesterone deficiency, estrogen dominance, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and more
  • How to discern when supplementation may assist healing and which supplements are recommended 
  • A guided restorative yoga nidra practice for deep rest and nervous system regulation
  • Self paced teachings on herbal medicine essentials and acupressure basics for the Winter phase
  • Womb toning as a self care practice- allowing the song of your womb to be sung
  • Learn the essentials of holding space, how to manage energy and stay in your center as a leader
  • An audio meditation ritual so that you can fully initiate yourself into your inner Crone

You will walk away from The Crone knowing how to address the most common cycle challenges modern-day women face, how to access deeper brain-wave states for healing and alchemical magic, and you will become both an herbal expert when it comes to women’s health and a facilitator for in-person and online women’s circles. 

Embodied Learning and Leadership Classes 

In these LIVE dynamic, engaging core curriculum classes, we will combine teaching transmissions, embodiment practices, and ceremonial experiences. You’ll also be able to share your joys and struggles, dive into relevant discussions with your fellow students, have your questions answered and receive mentorship from Nancy or Kristin.

Ceremonial Integration for the Maiden Archetype with Nancy 

February 6th | 3-5:30 pm EST

Integrate your inner-maiden with a profound and life-altering menarche reclamation ceremony with Nancy. You will reclaim your menarche story in full and utilize its essence to propel you forth into more embodied, archetypal womanhood.

The Follicular Phase with Kristin 

February 13th | 3-5:30 pm EST

Explore personal narrative and menstrual history as a path of healing the self and others. Here we also begin to discuss the application of herbal medicine, acupressure, and vaginal steaming for menstrual health and vitality. 

Integration of The Mother Archetype with Nancy

February 20th | 3-5:30 pm EST 

A guided embodiment journey using the fire element to harness the energy of the Mother properly so that you can use her juicy and potent energy to magnetize and harmonize. This will be a dynamic class with ritual, discussion and integration.

The Ovulatory Phase with Kristin 

February 27th | 3-5:30 pm EST 

We’ll define common conditions and expressions of imbalance, such as endometriosis, PCOS, amenorrhea, fibroids, and PMS / PMDD. You’ll learn how to independently gather essential information about cycle health outside the medical system, for further clarity around potential hormonal challenges.

Integration of the Sorceress Archetype

March 6th | 3-5:30 pm EST

A guided embodiment journey using the water element to to harness the energy of the Sorceress properly. You'll learn how to use her transformative energy to cut through lies and release what no longer serves you, aligning your womb’s energy with your heart and voice. This will be a dynamic class with ritual, discussion and integration.

The Luteal Phase with Kristin 

March 13th | 3-5:30 pm EST

Through a variety of case studies, we'll explore how to interpret basal body temperature charts and other health indicators of menstrual well-being. We will also continue to discuss the application of herbal medicine, acupressure, vaginal steaming, and castor oil application for menstrual health and hormonal resilience.

Integration of the Crone Archetype with Nancy 

March 20th | 3-5:30 pm EST

A guided embodiment journey using the earth element to harness the energy of the Crone. You'll use her spiritual wisdom to discern your blockages around rest and ceremonially rebirth yourself. In this class we’ll talk about all of the witchy ways we can care for ourselves during our bleeding time. This will be a dynamic class with ritual, discussion and integration.

The Menstrual Phase with Kristin 

March 28th | 3-5:30 pm EST

We will continue to explore case studies and the application of what you’ve learned thus far on hormone and menstrual health, including: diet, lifestyle, herbal medicine, acupressure, vaginal steaming, nervous system healing, and castor oil application. We will also discuss the concept of supplementation and when it can be useful for healing, including recommended supplements.


Core Workshops

These rich and beautiful workshops will take you deeper into understanding your own body and sexuality. You'll also learn how to guide other women and young girls through this material, create powerful ceremonial spaces, and heal traumas around your initiation into menarche.


These rich and beautiful workshops happen once a month, and will take you deeper into understanding your own body and sexuality. You'll also learn how to guide other women and young girls through this material, create powerful ceremonial spaces, and heal traumas around your initiation into menarche.


Body Literacy and the Fertility Awareness Method  

Fertility Awareness Method is the foundation of sovereign womb-wellness. In this deep-dive, you’ll learn everything you need to decode the biological signals of your body as the powerful messengers of your entire wellbeing.

You’ll come to understand your own fertility on such an intimate level that you never feel the need to outsource for pregnancy prevention or conscious conception again. 


Yoni Power, Embodied Anatomy of Arousal

Vibrant, juicy, and abundant sexuality is a core tenet of women’s health. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the anatomy of pleasure and how female arousal is distinct from male arousal.

This is your opportunity to transform layers of inherited sexual or menstrual shame into confidence and power. Pleasure is divine medicine, and you deserve to reclaim the lost thread of feminine arousal, desire, and pleasure.


Bringing the Blood Mysteries Forward: Coming of Age Girls

One of the most powerful and supportive acts we can take for our daughters is to initiate them into Menarche as the rite of passage that it is meant to be. The loss of wisdom and support for this process has had tragic consequences for our families and societies, and it’s time for that to change. 

Teaching young girls requires a completely different approach to make the material accessible and understandable. For years, we have been honing this process with groups of girls, learning about what works and what doesn’t. In this core workshop, we’ll share a teaching format and process as well as a beautiful workbook to facilitate your teaching of this material to coming-of-age girls. 


Being a Guide of Womb Wisdom

Are you destined to lead women’s circles? Or perhaps you’re already leading them but want to make them even richer and more expansive through conversations around menstrual wellness, menarche reclamation, and more. We will teach you how to be a genuine guide of womb wisdom.

You'll learn how to structure your circles so that women are able to absorb this information in the best possible way, as well as how to add a touch of magic to your circles with my shamanic tools. In this workshop, we share our best practices, tools and resources for translating the medicine of The Blood Mysteries School into real-life service.

Advanced Trainings &
Self-Paced Masterclasses

Our students also receive access to a comprehensive library of self-paced training programs taught by Nancy & Kristin, attuned uniquely to each phase of the menstrual cycle. These practices, guides, and masterclasses will give you the expert knowledge base needed to serve women in all walks of life as a healer and educator.

Complete Guide to Vaginal Steaming

Learn how to craft herbal steam blends and use steaming to heal the most common menstrual and hormone challenges. This guide includes video instruction and an herbal guide PDF so you understand how steaming works, get to know various steaming protocols and learn specifics about herbs for steaming.

Valued at $99 Included in Module One, The Maiden

Breast Massage as Self-Care

In this guide you’ll learn a simple, yet powerful and very effective self-care practice that will help you to move stagnant energy, increase vitality and achieve more hormone harmony.

Valued at $30  Included in Module One, The Maiden

Ovarian Breathing as Self-Care

You’ll learn exactly how to do to what the taoists called one of the “secrets to immortality”- harnessing the potent energy in your ovaries. Through this technique you’ll be able to potentially reduce or eliminate ovarian cysts and increase overall well-being.

Valued at $30 Included in Module Two, The Mother

Twelve Women's Circle Song Recordings & Drumming for Facilitating

Practice singing along to 12 songs specifically curated for you to bring into your women’s circles, ceremonies and initiations. These are easy to learn, potent songs designed to help women remember their divine essence.

Valued at $39 Included in Module Two, The Mother

Energy Clearing: Before and After Your Circles 

Learn tried and trued shamanic methods from Nancy who has over a decade of experience leading ceremonies about how to clear energy both before and after your circles, ceremonies and women’s rituals.

Valued at $39 Included in Month Three, The Sorceress

Addressing Common Hormonal Imbalances

This guide provides you clear, actionable steps to address the most common womb and hormone challenges. Understand the root cause and how to support healing using nutrition, herbal medicine and supplementation.

Valued at $199 Included in Module Four, The Crone

Bundle: Four Recorded Audio Meditations for Initiation and Ritual

These gorgeous, professionally recorded guided meditations include curated background music that is specifically designed to drop you into deeper brain wave states. These meditations are meant to accompany you throughout each phase of your cycle so that you can more easily be in right relationship with these phases. As a graduate of the Blood Mysteries School, you’ll also have access to use these in your women’s circles to help women drop deeper into their womb’s power. 

Valued at $99 Included in All Four Modules

Bundle: Herbal Medicine Essentials for the Maiden, Mother, Sorceress, and Crone

Learn herbs to support each phase of your cycle from both the folk herbalism tradition and from traditional Chinese Medicine. You’ll learn how to make infusions, decoctions and tinctures using single herbs or formulas for nourishment and hormone healing. 

Valued at $499 Included in All Four Modules

Womb Toning as Self-Care

This is the perfect self- care practice to do during the premenstrual phase or menstruation to help you clear stagnant energy that is heavy to move. Women have reported that just with this practice alone, pain and inflammation during menstruation have reduced.

Valued at $30 Included in Module Four, The Crone

Spiritual Baths as Self-Care

You’ll learn how to apply an age-old practice that is found across many ancient spiritual traditions. This guide will teach you how to use water together with herbs and intentions to cleanse your auric body, preparing you to handle the pre-menstrual and menstruation phase with more grace.

Valued at $30  Included in Module Three, The Sorceress

Castor Oil Packs: Essential Womb Medicine

Learn how to work with the power of castor oil to heal longstanding period issues, support liver detoxification and create a more robust internal ecosystem - including reducing scar tissue and adhesions, improving immune function and so much more!

Valued at $30 Included in Module Three, The Sorceress

Supplementation: Healing & Recommendations

Use this guide to understand when supplementation might be helpful, how to use supplements and which are most important for female physiology. This covers everything from dosing and timing to brand recommendations and details about various supplements.

Valued at $299 Included in Module Four, The Crone

Abdominal Massage: Guided Practice

Learn how to practice self abdominal massage to improve digestion, decrease inflammation and pain and experience deep nervous system settling. This tutorial includes learning acupressure points on the abdomen for gut and hormone healing.

Valued at $39 Included in Module Two, The Mother

Bundle: Acupressure Essentials for the Maiden, Mother, Sorceress, and Crone

Learn specific acupressure points to support each phase of your cycle and experience a deep, guided acupressure journey. Through these teachings, you’ll understand the basics of acupressure and know how to apply it for womb and hormone healing.

Valued at $399 Included in All Four Modules

Setting Up Your Altar & Calling In The Directions

In this guide you’ll learn exactly how to set up an altar, call in the sacred directions and elements which will be foundational during any circle or ceremony you lead for other women.

Valued at $39 Included in Module Four, The Crone

Guided Restorative Yoga Nidra

Experience deep relaxation and expand your capacity to bring your body into a healing state using this guided audio practice.

Valued at $29 Included in Module Three, The Sorceress

Blood Mysteries Workbook

Included in the school is a complete visualguide that walks you through the cycle and archetypes that you can use in your facilitation of circles, ceremony and cycle coaching. This includes rituals, herbal allies, FAM markers and tips to support female physiology. It’s designed to support you and your clients to journey through the cycle in a holistic and grounded format.

Valued at $199 Included in All Four Modules

Wisdom of Menopause: Interview Series

*BONUS OFFERING*  Learn directly from three wise elder women who all transitioned through menopause completely  naturally, as they share their transmissions from this potent rite of passage.

These leading experts in their fields will teach the spiritual landscape of menopause, what to expect from this societally-feared blood mystery, and which herbal allies and practices can be supportive to the women you are serving in this phase.

Your Guides in the Blood Mysteries School:

Nancy Lucina

Nancy Lucina is a spiritual guide for women throughout the entire female continuum. She is a women’s circle leader, shamanic facilitator, sacred sound therapist, postpartum care provider, and mother of three. As a vibrant ceremonial leader in her community, she teaches women and coming-of-age girls about the intrinsic power of their cycles. She uses her gifts of voice, sound, sensitivity, and connection to Spirit to guide women worldwide to awaken their ancient deep feminine wisdom, embody the Wise Woman within, and live in truth and power in all areas of their lives.

Kristin Hauser

Kristin Hauser is an acupuncturist, herbalist, somatic sex educator, and mother of three. She works with women across the womb-cycle continuum to claim sovereignty and find lasting, sustainable healing and nourishment. Healing her own menstrual challenges was her initiation into the blood mysteries and sharing of womb wisdom. Her journey and her extensive studies of Chinese Medicine, hormonal physiology, and somatic healing inspire her comprehensive and intellectual teaching style.

“Spirituality is built into your physiology as a woman. The entire landscape of womanhood is shamanic and naturally psychedelic in nature.”

- Nancy Lucina

“Women know how to heal. We know how to hold space for each other. Our physiology allows us to be skilled at co-regulation, collaboration and creating lasting vitality.”

- Kristin Hauser

Nancy Lucina

Nancy Lucina is a spiritual guide for women throughout the entire female continuum. She is a women’s circle leader, shamanic facilitator, sacred sound therapist, postpartum care provider, and mother of four. As a vibrant ceremonial leader in her community, she teaches women and coming-of-age girls about the intrinsic power of their cycles. She uses her gifts of voice, sound, sensitivity, and connection to Spirit to guide women worldwide to awaken their ancient deep feminine wisdom, embody the Wise Woman within, and live in truth and power in all areas of their lives.

Kristin Hauser

Kristin Hauser is an acupuncturist, herbalist, somatic sex educator, and mother of four. She works with women across the womb-cycle continuum to claim sovereignty and find lasting, sustainable healing and nourishment. Healing her own menstrual challenges was her initiation into the blood mysteries and sharing of womb wisdom. Her journey and her extensive studies of Chinese Medicine, hormonal physiology, and somatic healing inspire her comprehensive and intellectual teaching style.

“Spirituality is built into your physiology as a woman. The entire landscape of womanhood is shamanic and naturally psychedelic in nature.”

- Nancy Lucina

“Women know how to heal. We know how to hold space for each other. Our physiology allows us to be skilled at co-regulation, collaboration and creating lasting vitality.”

- Kristin Hauser

The Blood Mysteries School is a once-a-year opportunity for a select group of women to become highly immersed and deeply initiated into the secrets of the blood mysteries.

No other program combines cycle coaching training with learning how to become an initiations facilitator, all while being properly re-initiated yourself, as the student. 


6x Payment for the 2024 School Year

  • We accept Credit, Debit, Google Pay, and Paypal
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2x Payment for the 2024 School Year

  • We accept Credit, Debit, Google Pay, and Paypal
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Our Tuition for the 2024 School Year

  • We accept Credit, Debit, Google Pay, and Paypal
  • Afterpay Available
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The Blood Mysteries School has a grant program that offers 50% of the tuition towards 9 students each cohort. The deadline to apply is January 25th, 2025. You can apply for the grant here.

"Enrollment in The Blood Mysteries School opened a portal of abundance and harmony in my life. Nancy and Kristin are perfectly balanced teachers who weave ceremony and science, making ancient tradition accessible to our modern lives. 

These wise women are exquisite guides through a remembering of the ancient ways to tend to female nature. Together, they hold the flame of commitment to healing harmful habits and narratives of the over-culture. Through ceremonially imbued body literacy, Kristin & Nancy guided me home to my true essence, in wholeness."

- Kate, 2023 Blood Mysteries School Graduate

Hear more from our past Blood Mysteries School graduates.

Listen to the stories from women just like you and see the results they've been able to create after graduating from The Blood Mysteries School.


If you have additional questions, please reach out to us with them at [email protected].

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