Jordan's Timely Freebirth in Australia
Oct 20, 2021
I had always wanted a homebirth but the cost of midwives is high here in Australia.
When Covid hit and hospital restrictions on support were limited to one person only, my opportunity presented itself. I decided I was going to birth at home.
Prelabour started at 40 weeks and 2 days on a Sunday morning. This carried on for an entire week, which taught me that babe was going to come when truly ready. That next Sunday, I realized that my contractions weren’t wearing off and that I was needing to really focus on them. I called my twin sister to come over when I realized they were around 4 minutes apart.
I still wasn’t sure that I was in proper labour, so I held off calling my photographer and doula for a while until they started to pick up. I spent a lot of time in the shower and the bathroom, where I lost my mucous plug and knew that this was it.
I kept labouring, and when I started to feel that intense pressure to push, I decided to get in the water. My partner helped me in, and a few contractions later, the baby started to crown.
The head was born, and the body followed just a few contractions later. The cord was wrapped around the neck just like my other two, and I calmly unwrapped it and relaxed back into the water in amazement. My partner and twin praised me and expressed their disbelief about how calm the entire day had flowed.
My twin asked the sex of the baby, and I checked and found out that we’d had ANOTHER BOY.
My daughter came out to meet her baby brother and not long after, my photographer and doula arrived! I continued to relax in the bath for a bit until I got out onto the couch and birthed my placenta standing up with no issues.
Babe stayed connected for another 2-3 hours. My free birth was the single most liberating and amazing experience of my life and I will never forget it.
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