Free Birth Society's


with Emilee Saldaya and Yolande Norris-Clark

Our two FREE masterclasses on birth work beyond the system.

Working with Women with Birth Trauma

Most women who enter the world of birth-work are wildly unprepared to hold and support their clients’ preexisting trauma wounds. This is largely because birth-related trauma itself is drastically misunderstood both on a cultural level and within the therapeutic community.

The truth is, that given ancestral trauma-patterning and the cultural pain-body when it comes to birth, every form of birth-work - from birth preparation coaching to birth attending - requires a grounded understanding of the dynamics of birth-related trauma, and how to skillfully hold space for its unravelling.

Knowing how to hold a woman’s story, help her unpack it, and walk with her as she moves forward into a new story is a critical aspect of sovereign birth-work.

Emilee and Yo are famous for having crafted a unique method of birth trauma debrief coaching rooted in the sovereign birth paradigm. Combining the concepts of self-responsibility, the drama triangle, paired with a deep understanding of obstetrics and medical midwifery betrayal, Em and Yo bring you a masterclass on just what you need to truly support women in birth who have traumatic birth histories.


Mistakes and Lessons of 20 Years of Attending Women in Birth

Most women will never try—in birth work and beyond—because they are too afraid to fail.

Most women are too afraid to ever put themselves out there to do the work they feel called to do because they believe:

  • They don’t have enough experience
  • They fear they may mess up a birth
  • They don’t know where to start
  • They’re insecure, self-conscious, and they’re focused on what others will think about them

And the biggest reason:

...because they are terrified they may succeed.

That said, most women lack mentors and apprenticeship opportunities within the sovereign birth paradigm, and the market is flooded with teachers who either believe that what they’re offering is “holistic” midwifery (when they’re actually just mimicking the saviorism of the medical industrial complex), or freebirth “educators,” whose content consists of copying others’ Instagram memes and have little-to-no embodied, grounded experience in actually supporting birthing women or doing the work as a grassroots birth attendant.

Yo and Em have been spearheading the sovereign birth movement for decades, and stand at the forefront of the new paradigm—birth-work that is rooted in nature, instinct, human beingness, and the innate authority of the body.

And…everyone makes mistakes.

In this potent masterclass, Emilee and Yolande will be sharing some of their most cringy mistakes in attending births, and the lessons that came from them. Listen in on a transformational hour of learning from experienced birth attendants who are here to share their trials and tribulations and how it all made them better birth keepers. it is imperative that we take the time to share our mistakes so that you can learn from our own lived experiences.

Doors are open for our only 2024 cohort of this 8-week program:

The Radical Birth Keeper School

With 500+ graduates from over 30 countries, the Radical Birth Keeper School is leading the transformation of birth-work across the planet.

If you are ready to discover your place in the world of birth, this is where you begin. 

Women are resonating with the birth liberation movement like never before in history, choosing sovereign birth and tapping into the ancient wisdom embedded in our very biology with a sense of profound recognition. As this shift accelerates, the need for genuine, knowledgeable, authentic birth keepers, coaches, and educators who know and cherish the very essence of birth in power is essential.

The Radical Birth Keeper School is the only program that will equip you with the language and context essential for understanding the political and psychological intricacies of the medical birth system, along with the tools of self-mastery, business fundamentals, and a foundational training in the art and practice of attending births beyond the medical system. 

Join The Radical Birth Keeper School









Days until The Radical Birth Keeper School Begins